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EXA® mobile exhaust extraction system for passenger cars and motorcycles

Mobile system consisting of an exhaust gas ventilation fan type SVD 8 (0.6 kW, 230 V, 1,380 m ² / h) pre-assembled on a fan cart with three casters and sliding handle including motor circuit switch (on-off switch) plus 5 m of cable with rubber plug for one or two exhaust tailpipes.

EXA mobile Abgas-Absauganlage für Pkw und MotorräderThe EXA® exhaust extraction system for 1 exhaust tailpipe is supplied complete with 5 m of removable exhaust gas hose NW 100 on the pressure side and with a fixed exhaust gas hose NW 100 (length 1.5 m) with exhaust gas funnel (round) for exhaust tailpipes up to 12.5 mm on the suction side.

Die EXA® exhaust extraction system for 2 exhaust tailpipes is delivered complete with Y-piece as well as 2 exhaust gas hoses with two exhaust gas funnels on the suction side and a single-sided integrated butterfly valve.


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