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Professional extraction systems for agricultural vehicles

EXA-Absauganlagen Landmaschinen

Compact systems for tractors, combine harvesters, chaff cutters and other agricultural vehicles

EXA® Exhaust extraction system for single extraction points

Compact system for tractors and agricultural vehicles, completely with exhaust gas ventilation fan (1.2 kW / 400 V), motor circuit switch, wall panel and accessory, up to 300 °C temperature-resistant exhaust gas hose NW 125 mm, length 7.5 m, with standing funnel and accessory.

EXA® Compact hose reel for installation on wall or ceiling

Compact hose reel (electrical) with 10 m hose NW 150, temperature-resistant, complete with exhaust nozzle with clamp pliers and with flanged-on ventilation fan (1.2 kW / 400 V), including suspension device and motor control unit up/down and on/off plus accessory.

EXA® Suction rail with trolley for on-wall installation

1 × 10 m of suction rail, complete with wall panels, an extraction trolley, 5 m exhaust gas hose NW 150 mm, temperature-resistant, complete with exhaust nozzle, clamp pliers and ventilation fan flanged on the rail (1.2 kW / 400 V), including motor circuit switch and accessory.

Additional accessories

EXA®- Roof exhaust kit (please specify inclination)

EXA® Wall exhaust kit

We will gladly inform you about further accessories and systems.